
We had  a blast yesterday celebrating Deacon’s half birthday.  Can’t believe this little guy is already 6 months old.  He had his 6 month check up so we got some shots.  He cried for a while but by the time I got him dressed and out of the exam room he was good to go.  He was 16 lb & 11oz and 26 3/4 inches.  He moved up on the growth chart for his weight, must be all that yummy cereal, veggies & fruits he has been eating for 2 months.  Since starting him on solids in November he has gained 3 1/2 lbs.  For fun Matt & I made dinosaur cookies out of sugar cookie dough.  Too bad Deacon can’t eat them yet but Matt & I enjoyed them!   He is laughing a lot now and sometimes it is at the littlest thing.  Matt & I just sit and watch him, what a joy.  I watched a video yesterday that reminded me of how precious each day is, I pray that I will be mindful and not take a single day for granted.  Enjoy the pictures and video of Deacon’s half birthday!

At the Doctor’s Office…before shots

When we got home…after shots

Matt cutting out dinosaur cookies

Me & Deacon

Deacon with his cookies

On January 7th it snowed where we live for the first time since Deacon has been born.  The next day we took him outside for a quick photo with Daddy.  Deacon sat in his high chair for the first time on this day too!!

First Snow, Jan 8th

Sitting in the high chair for the first time, Jan. 8th

January 20th Deacon sat up all by himself.  He loves to sit up, he thinks he is something else.  Matt & I call him “big time” because he smiles really big when he is doing something special!

Sitting by himself, Jan 20th

Everyday with this sweet boy is truly a blessing!!  Thank you Lord for this child that you have entrusted to us!!

On Christmas Day Deacon turned 5 months old.  We had a wonderful visit with some of our family!  It truly was a special time for us.  Matt & I’s gift this year was definitely our precious child!  I had an elderly lady tell me she would give me 50¢ for him yesterday…not a chance!!  No price tag on this baby.  Here are some photos of Christmas…

Deacon opening his first gift!!

Papa (Laura’s dad) with his three grandsons

Deacon – 5 months old

Mama and Deacon on Christmas Day

Christmas Morning

Meeting Santa Claus

No tears!  When Deacon finally got to meet Santa he just looked around and was checking out everybody in line behind him.  We eventually got a smile out of him.  Santa did say that he liked his reindeer socks!

The Exer-Saucer

We started to put Deacon in his Exer-Saucer in November and he loves to sit, rock and play in it.  We enjoy watching him while he is playing in it because he will throw himself to the back of the seat and rock the Exer-Saucer, it is so funny.  His personality is slowly starting to make itself known. 🙂  We are so thankful to have this toy for Deacon.  Here is a little video of Deacon playing on Dec. 18th, he loves to suck his bottom lip as you will notice in this video. 

We found out the Wednesday before Thanksgiving that some of our family was sick with the flu so Matt quickly put together a menu and list of activities for us to do as a family.  This would be the first Thanksgiving that we would have away from our families and the first Thanksgiving for our precious son!  We went to the store, soaked our turkey in water so it would defrost and began to do some prep for the Thanksgiving meal.  We had a wonderful time together.  We watched the Macy’s parade, ate some delicious food and decorated the Christmas tree.  It was a weekend that I will always remember. 

So much has happened for us in the last year.  It was last Thanksgiving Day that we found out that we are pregnant and now this Thanksgiving we are spending a wonderful holiday with our 4 month son.  Deacon is growing so much and learning new things.  He loves to smile, babble, grab for his toys (or mama’s hair) and play with Daddy & Mama.  The best thing is to watch him discover something new.   We are blessed with this amazing son, we could not ask for more!

Deacon’s Dedication

On November 8th Matt and I dedicated Deacon at church.  We made a covenant with God that we would raise Deacon in a home that honored God.  We promised to pray for Deacon and challenge him in his walk with God.  It is our prayer that our son will serve the Lord with his life, in whatever capacity.  From the day he was born our prayer has been that God would raise Deacon up to be a revolutionary and change the world for Him!  We realize that Deacon is not ours to own and keep to ourselves.  God has entrusted us with Deacon.  We are constantly praying for wisdom in this area!

Here we are talking with Pastor Johnny

The Lawson family

Some of our family came to this special day

Aunt Tracey, Deacon and Me

3 Weeks


Deacon is 3 weeks old today!!  It is hard to believe that we have been parents for 3 weeks now.  We have survived!!  The last three weeks have been filled with family and friends.  It has been wonderful spending time with everyone and sharing in the joy our this new baby.  We both feel so blessed and grateful for all the meals, gifts, calls and encouragement that we have received!  Our family has all gone home and now it is the Lawson family at home.  Over the past three weeks I have seen the changes in our son.  He has gained weight and as of Monday he weighs 7 lb and 7oz.  I can tell that he is gaining as I hold him in my arms every three hours to eat.  He is beginning to make more expressions.  I was able to catch him smiling this morning…it is the cutest thing ever to watch him try to smile and make different expressions.  Matt and I love every minute with this precious blessing.  The two of us went out to eat Thursday night…just the two of us.  It was strange not getting the carseat out of the car, it was just the two of us.  We are so thankful that Deacon is doing well and is healthy.  He is a good boy, he cries when he is hungry or dirty and that is about it.  He is the cutest kid on the block.  I love to just stare at him!  These past three weeks have been filled with many new experiences and I would not change it for the world.  Thank you, Lord, for our sweet son!!




Our son is here!!




Deacon Matthew Lawson

born July 25, 2009

7 lbs 2 oz   19 inches  10:36am

Our sweet son decided to come join us early, 16 days early!  We are thrilled to have him here.  We  are enjoying being together as a family.  Deacon is absolutely precious.  We are all home now and doing well.  Here are a few photos of our son!!




With only a few weeks remaining of this pregnancy I wanted to have some photos taken of us as a couple with my pregnant belly.  We asked a friend of ours, Clay, if he would take some photos of us.  He said sure and so we met him nice and early one Saturday morning at 7:15am.  We went to Marietta Square in downtown Marietta.  It is a pretty park and was a nice backdrop for the photos.  Matt and I are not the most photogenic people so Clay did the best he could with his subjects.  We had a lot of laughs and enjoyed the morning.  Clay did a great job with the photos.  Now we have some pictures to capture this pregnancy of our first child!  Now we are just waiting to hold him in our arms.   Here are a few of our favorites!



